Walter Germann
- Age: 33
- At PALFINGER since: August 2017
- Position: Electrical Engineering
What excites you about the Red Bull Flugtag?
It’s both a laid-back and an innovative event. Especially after months of Corona lockdowns, I am very excited to take part in an event like this. At the same time, I see the construction process of the flying machine as a chance to spend time with my teammates away from our daily work.
I am the right person for the team because ...
... I’m very skilled at building things – and because I’m “game for anything”, as they say. So, nothing stands in the way of a productive and fun construction process.
What is your role in the team?
I am responsible for the design and construction of the wing as well as replacing the engine on stage. At the Red Bull Flugtag, my teammates and I will try to amaze the jury with our flying machine as well as with a first-rate performance.
Why are you best suited for these tasks?
During the construction phase, I can optimally use my skills as a design engineer.
What does innovation mean to you?
On the one hand, smart and sustainable ideas, on the other hand, products that clearly stand out from what’s already on the market. But also pointing out new possibilities and directions that make everyday life better and more worth living.
If you could sit next to a famous person on a plane, who would you like to sit next to?
Elon Musk is the epitome of innovation for me. I am very impressed by his professional career so far.
Your motto for the Red Bull Flugtag:
Flying fish and swimming birds – with our flying machine, we want to showcase our innovative spirit as a team and amaze the jury and the audience.