
Design and construction expertise as an advantage

In order for the “flying fish” to fly as far as possible, it needs to have optimal gliding and sailing capabilities. A balanced centre of gravity determined by the pilot’s position ensures both. In this task, team member Walter, in particular, was able to shine with his skills as a designer. Another important advantage: Lukas, the pilot, is an absolute lightweight.

Scene of the action: the PALFINGER site in Salzburg

Plenty of space and all the necessary tools in a location where innovative lever solutions, among other things, are being created: That’s the perfect spot for the team to spread their wings and to let their creativity flow during the construction phase. A clear home advantage! The four specialists are using every spare minute to make their idea a reality.

Concentrated expertise at PALFINGER

It’s no secret that PALFINGER is a proud premium partner of the Red Bull Flugtag, and the entire staff is looking forward to the event with great anticipation. Especially at the Salzburg location, they’re getting increasingly curious about the construction progress. Whenever the PALFINGER crew works on their flying machine, colleagues use the opportunity to take a peek and look over the team's shoulder. And in case help is needed, they are always there to lend a hand.

"We are very pleased about the great interest in the construction progress of our flying machine. Just as in our daily work, we are receiving a lot of support from all areas of the company: whether that’s support from colleagues who are always on hand with help and advice, or expert tips that we get from specialists like Christoph Göttlicher." – Sebastian Költringer, Discipline Leader Mechanical Engineering AT