La manutenzione e l'assistenza periodica del prodotto ne prolungano la durata e garantiscono la massima sicurezza. Questo ripaga. Le misure preventive aumentano la disponibilità e riducono i tempi di fermo del vostro prodotto PALFINGER.
Con i contratti di assistenza PALFINGER vi offriamo pacchetti di assistenza personalizzati per le vostre esigenze. A seconda dell'opzione selezionata, i pacchetti comprendono le ispezioni previste per legge, l'assistenza regolare, le riparazioni*, i ricambi delle parti soggette a usura, nonché la cura e la pulizia del prodotto. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di darvi la massima trasparenza sui costi operativi del vostro prodotto Palfinger.
Con questi pacchetti di assistenza, semplifichiamo i processi di gestione e vi solleviamo dal lavoro, in modo che possiate concentrarvi completamente sul vostro core business. Inoltre, contribuiamo a mantenere il valore del prodotto PALFINGER che avete acquistato. In caso di riparazione, vengono utilizzati solo ricambi originali PALFINGER, che a loro volta vengono installati da esperti PALFINGER - in modo che possiate contare sulla massima sicurezza tecnica e sulla sicurezza della pianificazione finanziaria. Per soddisfare le diverse esigenze della vostra azienda e delle vostre applicazioni, offriamo i diversi livelli PURE, PERFORM, PRO e PRIME.
* Riparazioni in conformità con le direttive di garanzia e garanzia
Outsourced service with an authorized PALFINGER workshop
Boost product uptime with preventive maintenance
Full control and transparency of ongoing costs
Increased resale value
Maximised product turnover
Reduced product lifecycle costs up to 37 %
Extended product lifespan
PALFINGER Service Contracts
The PURE package improves the lifetime of your product by keeping the hydraulic system in its best condition.
a yearly filter change
a yearly oil check
if the oil check requires an oil change, then the oil change will be covered with top-quality PALFINGER Hydraulic Oil
Connected Premium*
*Hardware to be purchased with product, availabilty for you products has to be checked
With the PERFORM package the good performance of the product is assured since the regular service will serve as a preventive measure.
a yearly filter change
a yearly oil check if the oil check requires an oil change, then the oil change will be covered with top-quality PALFINGER Hydraulic Oils
regular service
legal inspection
Connected Premium*
*Hardware to be purchased with product, availabilty for you products has to be checked
The PRO package is perfect for products in constant daily use. Repairs and service costs are covered and can be calculated in advance.
a yearly filter change
a yearly oil check if the oil check requires an oil change, then the oil change will be covered with top-quality PALFINGER Hydraulic Oils
regular service
legal inspection
repairs, material and service are included
PALFINGER Connected*
*Hardware to be purchased with product, availabilty for you products has to be checked
The PRIME package is the perfect option for companies that do not leave anything to chance and want to keep their costs completely under control.
a yearly filter change
a yearly oil check if the oil check requires an oil change, then the oil change will be covered with top-quality PALFINGER Hydraulic Oils
regular service
legal inspection
repairs, material and service are included
wear parts, material and service are included
PALFINGER Connected*
Monthly Maintenance
*Hardware to be purchased with product, availabilty for you products has to be checked
PALFINGER Service contracts
All our service contracts are available for the following product lines:
For new products filled only with PALFINGER Lubricants.
Service is possible at any authorized PALFINGER Service Partner.
Contract duration ranges form 1 to 6 years.
All the mentioned services include labor work and material expenses. We only work with top-quality genuine PALFINGER products.
Our goal is to offer prevention and backup with complete cost transparency. You can plan your expenditure and do not have to worry about unforeseen workshop costs. We simplify your processes and allow you to focus on your core business.